Hudson Dems Attack Jack For Accepting An Invitation

Jack in Bergen.jpg

In yet another sign that Democrats know Jack Ciattarelli is a far superior candidate than Phil Murphy, Hudson County Democrats, led by Senator Bob Menendez (a guy with a ton of flaws Democrats choose to ignore), launched a ridiculous attack at Ciattarelli for attending yesterday’s Cuba Liberation Rally in North Bergen.

Where was Murphy? Not a clue. Probably somewhere trying to figure out how to force people to wear masks again (trust me, it’ll happen if idiots re-elect him).

Anyway, the Hudson Dems attack is especially ridiculous given the fact that Ciattarelli was invited to attend the event. I know this to be a fact because I called Jack this morning and he told me he was invited. In all the years I’ve known Ciattarelli, he’s never lied to me – not even after I signed on with Doug Steinhardt’s short-lived campaign – so why would he start lying now.

But, the part of the Hudson Dems attack on Ciattarelli that really bothers me is their claim that he views “diversity as a threat.”

Seriously? Do Menendez and his merry band of Hudson idiots even realize Ciattarelli’s wife happens to be Hispanic? It’s true, I even called and asked her. Her maiden name is Castro! I’m fairly certain diversity is not a threat in the Ciattarelli household.

But to be fair, Menendez proved diversity is no threat to him either. Remember, Menendez is the guy who helped a Dominican (Rosiell Polanco), a Brazilian (Juliana Lopes Leite) and a Ukrainian (Svitlana Buchyk) get visas to see their dirty old man boyfriend Salomon Melgen. Menendez’s own lawyers even conceded the fact that he helped bring women into the country for Melgen.

That is a diverse group – Dominican, Brazilian and Ukrainian – maybe the Hudson Dems think Menendez was simply trying to prove his allegiance to diversity or maybe to the United Nations.

The simple fact is the Hudson Dems attacking Ciattarelli on diversity is weak and shows me that maybe someone has seen some polling that shows Murphy is getting worried.

King Penna Got His Ass Kicked By A Woman Again!

King Penna

King Penna

More than a year ago after Bluetooth wearing wannabe tough guy King Penna, on former beauty pageant winner Hirsh Singh’s behalf, lost his challenge to Rik Mehta’s petitions for US Senate I wrote a blog post with the headline, “Woloshen-Glass Kicks Penna’s Ass Again!”

Back then I wrote:

By my count this marks the fourth time Amanda Woloshen-Glass, Mehta’s campaign manager, has kicked Penna’s ass. Penna ran perennial congressional candidate David Larsen’s three failed primary challenges to former Republican Congressman Leonard Lance. Woloshen-Glass ran Lance’s campaigns. Yesterday’s dismissal now makes Woloshen-Glass 4-0 against Penna.

Singh appeared to be making a race of it. He released, what for the Singh campaign, was a promising poll, according to Politico, “…Hirsh Singh convinced a conservative website in late April to publish a memo from an internal poll conducted by Brad Parscale, Donald Trump’s former campaign manager, showing Singh with a lead heading into the state’s June 8 Republican primary.”

Then right around the time of the one and only gubernatorial debate (there should have been two but Singh whined and cried like a child who was never told no by his mommy and daddy) another poll was released that had Singh within 6 points of Ciattarelli.

But even with what looked like momentum being in Singh’s favor, Penna decided it would be a good idea to pick a fight with Melinda Ciattarelli.

Getting called out for such a douchebag move wasn’t enough for Penna. He decided to up the ante and try to make an issue of the fact Mrs. Ciattarelli called him an “arrogant asshole.” I don’t know, maybe Penna has an issue with the truth, but he whined incessantly about her language on social media.

It backfired!

The few sane Singh supporters began peeling off. Anyone watching social media could see it. The hardcore, Kool-Aid drinking cult-like Singh supporters became unhinged, launching attacks on anyone who dared to speak ill of him. They even went so far as to publish the home address of Camden County GOP Commissioner candidate Johanna Scheets’ home address. She has 5 kids! These people had (and have) no shame.

So, yeah, without a doubt, Melinda Ciattarelli defending her family was a factor in this race. And, that makes Penna 0 – 5 against women.

Penna may have started that fight, but Mrs. Ciattarelli kicked his “arrogant” ass.

One thing this race has taught us, Jack will have New Jersey’s back and Melinda will be right there with him. Congratulations to the Ciattarelli family and Jack’s team on the win.

Episode 151


If you missed the 151st episode of the Bob & Steve Show live on Crusin’ 92.1 FM you can listen to it or download it here. We began the 9:00 hour with our exclusive conversation with Melinda Ciattarelli. For those who prefer to listen live and live outside our broadcast area you can listen on TuneIn or at Saturday mornings from 8:00-10:00.

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