Hudson Dems Attack Jack For Accepting An Invitation

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In yet another sign that Democrats know Jack Ciattarelli is a far superior candidate than Phil Murphy, Hudson County Democrats, led by Senator Bob Menendez (a guy with a ton of flaws Democrats choose to ignore), launched a ridiculous attack at Ciattarelli for attending yesterday’s Cuba Liberation Rally in North Bergen.

Where was Murphy? Not a clue. Probably somewhere trying to figure out how to force people to wear masks again (trust me, it’ll happen if idiots re-elect him).

Anyway, the Hudson Dems attack is especially ridiculous given the fact that Ciattarelli was invited to attend the event. I know this to be a fact because I called Jack this morning and he told me he was invited. In all the years I’ve known Ciattarelli, he’s never lied to me – not even after I signed on with Doug Steinhardt’s short-lived campaign – so why would he start lying now.

But, the part of the Hudson Dems attack on Ciattarelli that really bothers me is their claim that he views “diversity as a threat.”

Seriously? Do Menendez and his merry band of Hudson idiots even realize Ciattarelli’s wife happens to be Hispanic? It’s true, I even called and asked her. Her maiden name is Castro! I’m fairly certain diversity is not a threat in the Ciattarelli household.

But to be fair, Menendez proved diversity is no threat to him either. Remember, Menendez is the guy who helped a Dominican (Rosiell Polanco), a Brazilian (Juliana Lopes Leite) and a Ukrainian (Svitlana Buchyk) get visas to see their dirty old man boyfriend Salomon Melgen. Menendez’s own lawyers even conceded the fact that he helped bring women into the country for Melgen.

That is a diverse group – Dominican, Brazilian and Ukrainian – maybe the Hudson Dems think Menendez was simply trying to prove his allegiance to diversity or maybe to the United Nations.

The simple fact is the Hudson Dems attacking Ciattarelli on diversity is weak and shows me that maybe someone has seen some polling that shows Murphy is getting worried.