We Call It The Silly Season For A Reason

BettyLou DeCroce

BettyLou DeCroce

When we launched the Bob & Steve Show nearly three years ago Bob and I decided we were going to focus on South Jersey politics, but something happened that I simply cannot ignore.

Way up north in LD26 (Essex, Morris, Passaic) a Democrat has decided to, unsolicited I suspect, offer his endorsement in the Republican primary election for state Assembly.

Yesterday, our friends over at New Jersey Globe reported that:

Former Gov. Richard Codey, a Democrat, says he wants Assemblywoman BettyLou DeCroce to win the Republican primary for State Assembly in the next-door 26th district.

I’m not going to insult anyone’s intelligence and try to pretend that BettyLou DeCroce is the most conservative member of the state Assembly – she’s not. But one has to wonder why Richard Codey, a former Governor and sitting state Senator, who happens to be a Democrat, would make an endorsement in a competitive Republican primary in a district he doesn’t represent.

There are four candidates in the LD26 Primary, most of the votes come out of Morris where Assemblyman Jay Webber and Christian Barranco have the line, the first time Morris has awarded a line. DeCroce is running off the line as is Morris County Commissioner Tom Mastrangelo.

I don’t live in LD26 and will not offer an endorsement of any candidate, though, admittedly, there is no way in hell I would ever encourage anyone to vote for Mastrangelo. I would rather stab myself in the eye with a rusty needle! I’m fairly certain the feeling is mutual. We have a history and I have a framed court dismissal thanks to the Commissioner.


As to the others in the race I honestly have no preference because, like I said, I don’t live there. But I do have to wonder what motivation Codey would have to endorse DeCroce.

Codey is not stupid, to the contrary the guy is borderline genius, at least politically. He had to know his endorsement of DeCroce does not help her. Codey even went the extra mile and said, “I hope I don’t lose her votes.” Codey knows that is the least helpful statement he could make!

My guess is Codey is looking for what he views as an easier matchup for the Democrats in November by getting rid of the one candidate in the race viewed as a moderate, DeCroce.

Melissa Brown Blaeuer and Pamela Fadden are the only Democrats on the LD26 primary election ballot and appear to be extremely left. According to their website they are “bringing the Blue Wave to 2021 with bold solutions and a people-first agenda.” Fadden is President of the Hawthorne Teachers’ Association and a consultant to the NJEA in Morris County.

I’m pretty sure Codey would love to see an NJEA aligned candidate win in LD26. And I’m fairly certain Codey thinks getting rid of DeCroce could help make that happen.

Welcome to the silly season!

MEDIA ADVISORY: TOMORROW (3/5): Independent Hearing to Examine Murphy Administration’s Handling of Nursing & Veterans Homes, LTC Facilities During Pandemic

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Senate and Assembly Republicans will livestream an independent hearing tomorrow to review Murphy administration policies that led to nearly 8,000 deaths and substantial hardship in New Jersey’s nursing homes, veterans homes, and long-term care (LTC) facilities during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Senate and Assembly Republicans will livestream an independent hearing on Friday, March 5 to review Murphy administration policies related to nursing homes, veterans homes, and LTC facilities during the COVID-19 pandemic. (FB Live event page)

The legislators will hear from family members of residents and caregivers who have been impacted by the crisis along with advocates and experts.

WHO: Senator Joe Pennacchio (R-26), Senator Kristin Corrado (R-40), Senator Declan O’Scanlon (R-13), Senator Michael Testa (R-1), Senator Steven Oroho (R-24), Assemblywoman BettyLou DeCroce (R-26), Assemblyman Christopher D. DePhillips (R-40), and invited guests.

WHAT: Virtual hearing to review Murphy administration policies related to nursing homes, veterans homes, and LTC facilities during the COVID-19 pandemic.

WHEN: TOMORROW, Friday, March 5 at 10 a.m.

WHERE: A video livestream of the hearing will be accessible to the public and press via Facebook Live. Click here for the event page.

The meeting tomorrow is the first in a series of independent hearings that will be held to understand the policy and management failures of the Murphy Administration that led to preventable deaths, destroyed businesses and jobs, and left millions of New Jerseyans without access to important services and support.