Camden County Clerk Makes Voters’ Choice On Vote-By-Mail Applications By Pre-Checking All Future Elections


Here’s one from the “it can only happen in the land of the Norcross machine department.” Every voter in Camden County was recently sent a vote-by-mail application from the office of the Camden County Clerk. Voters didn’t request an application, the applications arrived in a very official looking envelope marked “2020 Presidential Vote By Mail Information Enclosed.”

I live in Gloucester County, so how do I know voters didn’t request the vote-by-mail application? The answer to that is simple. My father got one, he’s never voted by mail in his life.


My father never bothered to open his because my stepmother got one too. She opened it and discovered the Clerk’s office already decided that even though she has never, ever voted by mail in her entire life that she now wants to vote in ALL FUTURE ELECTIONS by mail

VBM Name Redacted.jpg

Republican candidates for Surrogate and Freeholder in Camden County issued a press release on the matter the other day. In their release Surrogate candidate Kimberley Stuart and candidates for Freeholders Nicole Nance, Jennifer Moore and Johanna Scheets asked if the Camden County Clerk’s office mailing of pre-checked vote-by-mail applications was a way to stuff the ballot boxes come November.

It's a fair question. Unfortunately, it appears, with the exception of Gloucester City News, mainstream media doesn’t care.

One would think mainstream media would care about something like Camden County government attempting to force every single voter in the county to ALWAYS vote-by-mail. It makes sense the machine Democrats would want this to happen, on voter registration advantage alone it works out in their favor. It’s worth the risk to them for a few more Republican votes to come in.

The media likes to talk about how Camden County Republicans are merely token opposition to the Democrats. Unfortunately, when the same media ignores Camco Republicans who actually take the fight to the machine Democrats it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Stuart, Nance, Moore and Scheets are right to question the motives of the Camden County Clerk’s office. It does appear that forcing voters to vote-by-mail in all future elections makes it easier for Camden County Democrats to stuff ballot boxes in the future.

Mainstream media should do it’s job and stop the ballot box stuffing before it begins. Kudos to Stuart, Nance, Moore and Scheets for raising he issue. Keep taking the fight to the machine!